Thank you very much for your support of the Friends of Braefoot Gala. Unfortunately, due to concerns around COVID-19, we have made the very difficult decision to cancel the event.
We had hoped for an opportunity to recognize our Bursary winners and update our community on what's new at Braefoot since our move to Braefoot Elementary. That said, many of the attendees and sponsors voiced concerns about attending, and out of respect to them and concern about the numbers trending upwards, we decided it would be better to cancel. We hope to do an event in the future, when we feel it is safer to do so. We appreciate all of the support we have received from the community.
A special thank you also goes out to our sponsors, who continue to be there for us even through this challenging time.
If you have any questions about our upcoming events please call our office at 250.721.2244 or email admin@braefoot.ca.